Previous case:
Lady 50+ was struggling with a red eye for weeks, first she tried lubricating drops but they did not help so she switched to chlorsiq, but still had no relief.
After all the drops, eye washes and warm massages she finally decided to come to an optometrist to investigate. turned out to be an ingrown eyelash. I plucked it out and she had instant relief.
So when should you do what?
In simple terms:
1. Chlorsiq (Antibiotic) is readily available over the counter. You use it when you have a bacterial infection....lots of mucous (not just a little bit in the corner in the morning).
2. Viral infection. Red, really painful, very light sensitive, watery eye. Most people will only think viral after chlorsiq hasn’t done anything. By that time there could already be damage to the cornea. (Remember mucous=bacterial).
3. Eye inflammation (uveitis) can also give similar symptoms as a viral infection. People at risk are ones that have autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, Crohn’s disease and others.
4. Most common condition is Dry eyes which can also give similar symptoms- Red and/or watery eyes, gritty sensation. Our tears provide a line of defence against infection. I am a chronic dry eye sufferer when my eyes are sore and red I saturate them with single use dry eye drops right before bed. This will flush whatever irritant is there and also help stabilize my own tear film. This regime has worked very well for me and I have yet to use an antibiotic.
5. Conjunctivitis will usually resolve on its own accord within 2 weeks
Use common sense and remember. MUCOUS = bacterial If ever you are in doubt go and see an optometrist, it maybe something as simple as an ingrown eyelash.